Gastric Band To Sleeve Conversion

Gastric band to sleeve conversion, also known as gastric band removal with sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure that involves removing a gastric band and transforming it into a sleeve gastrectomy. This conversion is usually recommended when individuals experience complications or are unsatisfied with their gastric band results. In this informative content, we will explore why someone may want to undergo this conversion and what is involved in the procedure.

Who is gastric band to sleeve conversion for?

If you have already been fitted with a gastric band, there are a number of reasons why you may be considering having a gastric sleeve instead:

  • Weight Loss: Gastric bands work by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach, restricting food intake. However, weight loss outcomes can vary, and if the desired results are not achieved, converting to a sleeve gastrectomy may be considered.
  • Complications: Gastric bands can cause various complications, such as band slippage, erosion, or infection. In these cases, a conversion to a sleeve gastrectomy may be necessary to address the complications and improve overall health.
  • Health Co-morbidities: Some individuals have weight-related health conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, that are not adequately controlled after gastric band surgery. Converting to a sleeve gastrectomy can provide better control over these co-morbidities, leading to improved health outcomes.

Gastric band to sleeve conversion procedure

  • Consultation and Evaluation: The process starts with a consultation to fully assess the requirements. Prof. Reddy will review the individual’s medical history, assess their weight loss progress and complications, and determine if a conversion to a sleeve gastrectomy is appropriate.
  • Pre-operative Preparations: Prior to the surgery, various medical assessments may be conducted, including blood tests, imaging, and nutritional evaluations. These are done to ensure the individual is fit for surgery and to identify any potential risks or complications.
  • Surgical Procedure: The conversion surgery is usually performed laparoscopically, a minimally invasive technique. It involves removing the gastric band and then reducing the stomach size by removing a significant portion, creating a sleeve-shaped stomach. The remaining stomach is stapled closed, leaving a smaller capacity for food intake.
  • Recovery and Follow-up: The recovery process after the conversion is similar to that of a sleeve gastrectomy. Typically, patients can return home within a few days after surgery. The individual will be given specific dietary guidelines, follow-up appointments, and support to ensure a successful recovery and adjustment to the new stomach size.

Potential benefits of gastric band to sleeve conversion

  • Improved weight loss: Sleeve gastrectomy offers higher weight loss potential compared to gastric bands, making it suitable for individuals who did not achieve satisfactory results with the band alone.
  • Reduced complications: Conversion to a sleeve gastrectomy addresses potential gastric band-related complications, reducing the risk of band-related issues like slippage or erosion.
  • Enhanced health outcomes: The sleeve gastrectomy can help better control co-existing medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, leading to improved overall health status.

More information about Gastric Sleeve.

Weight loss consultation

Professor Marcus Reddy is a highly experienced Consultant bariatric surgeon. The first step would be to arrange a consultation in order to determine the most appropriate course of action based on individual needs and circumstances. Mr Reddy and his team can provide detailed information, including potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes specific to each case.

Consultations are now available via video as well as in person.