Stretta Anti-Reflux Therapy

Stretta is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure for treating patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD).

  • Radiofrequency treatment – no surgery or implants
  • Technologically advanced and scientifically proven
  • Virtually pain-free
  • Day case procedure – no overnight stay
  • Takes around 45-60 minutes

Clinical studies show improvement in GORD symptoms, acid exposure, and elimination or reduction of the use of heartburn medications:

  • 93% of patients were satisfied with the results
  • After 4 years, 86% of patients were still off daily reflux medications

What is Reflux?

GORD (gastro oesophageal reflux disease) is when contents from the stomach reflux up through the lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) into the esophagus, causing  day-to-day problems such as heartburn, coughs, sore throats and regurgitation. It is very uncomfortable for the sufferer. In the long term, reflux can lead to ulcers and cancer.

Around 12 million Britons will suffer from acid reflux at some point.

Stretta Reflux Therapy

Stretta is a unique and minimally invasive treatment for GORD that goes beyond the benefit of medications, while avoiding the invasive and costly nature of surgery or implants, as indicated in this diagram.

GORD treatments

Stretta therapy is based on using radiofrequency treatment to remodel the sphincter muscle between the stomach and the oesophagus, thereby reducing the reflux. The radiofrequency causes the tissue to contract and improvements can continue for up to 6 months as the body continues to heal itself after treatment.

stretta device

The lower oesophageal sphincter muscle (near where the stomach meets the oesophagus) is treated with a special radiofrequency catheter, which remodels the tissue in order to improve the barrier function, reducing the unpleasant symptoms of reflux.

This is carried out as an outpatient procedure. Patients can usually return to normal activities the following day.

  1. The physician places the Stretta catheter through the patient’s mouth and into the valve between the stomach and oesophagus.
  2. Radiofrequency energy is delivered to the muscle of the lower oesophageal sphincter and gastric cardia to create small thermal lesions.
  3. Over time, the lesions heal and the tissue contracts.

Stretta reflux



  • Patients may experience pain immediately after Stretta Therapy, which in most cases can be managed with over the counter liquid painkillers
  • Refrain from using NSAIDS for 2 weeks after the Stretta procedure
  • Crush all medications or use liquid medications for at least one month after treatment
  • Avoid any instrumentation of the oesophagus for at least one month after treatment

Post-procedure dietary advice will be given as follows:

  • Follow a modified liquid diet for 24 hours after the procedure
  • Soft diet for 2 weeks
  • Continue any previous anti-reflux diet/advice for 2 months after Stretta